This replica of Ansel Egort's edgy leather jacket from the movie "The Fault In Our Stars" is sure to make a statement when you step out. Crafted from premium quality leather, it is perfectly tailored for a stylish yet comfortable look. Get casual chic vibes that are fashion-forward, perfect for date night or a simple coffee meet-up.
The pictures on the product are captured from high definition cameras with lighting effect, maybe there are some minor changes in colors on the final product, but you can trust us with the quality. The accessories we are using for this jacket such as zip, patches, and button can be little changed or somewhat different from the image shown.
All products style can be customized for Women or Men whether it’s a Man design or women we can stitch it according to your requirements.
Size |
XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, CUSTOM |
Color |
Brown, Black |
Cost Effective